My eyes are pouring out waiting for that call

The one I don’t want to answer

Because the caller is never there when I’m about to fall

But yet they are there to leech off me like a cancer

Like the enemy I can’t face

Or the past I can’t erase

Or that Alley way where there’s always a dead end

Cuz I’m too afraid to mend

The broken bridge that’s there becuz I always answer your phone calls

Becuz every time I try to cross the engine always stalls

You’re like the dream that’s unbelievable that ends when I wake

An adrenaline rush that pushes me until I break

But the phone rings before I do

And I’m praying to God that it might not be you

So I stifle my tears

And render my fears

Until i realize the voice I hear is surrounded by a siren that’s wailing

And I hear my heart failing

Becuz it’s a cop telling me you died in ur bathtub as ur blood pooled out and down the drain

And I feel like I got hit  by a train

To stab me deeper he says you left a note saying you loved me and couldn’t stand to see me cry

So instead you chose to die

To stop me from staying up late nights waiting for all the calls to pick you up from the bars

And now I’m screaming to the stars

Until a pause says sorry wrong number and I don’t know where to begin

Until your voice enters the house and my heart jumpstarts again

But then I remember the reason why we haven’t spoken in so long is because I don’t love you